Saturday, January 14, 2017


The picture above is my 'oops' for the day.  I was doing laundry, and just as I was transferring my clothes from the washer to the dryer, I noticed this lonely sock at the bottom of my hamper.  Now maybe oops was not the exact word that came to mind   It was more along the lines of an expletive that isn't necessary to repeat.  Nevertheless, the sight of my lonely, dirty sock did give me pause.  I took a deep breath and realized I will be doing laundry again soon enough, so the sock will eventually get cleaned.  It's no big deal.

What is a big deal to me anyways is that I am writing a blog (again), and this time instead of coming up with a clever name, I am using my actual name. Over the last decade, I have started and stopped a handful of blogs.  Some blogs were meant to be funny.  Some were serious.  Some were promoting a product.   Others were just random thoughts I had floating around in my head.  Regardless of the intention of the blog, I never used my name as the title because I wanted to protect myself.

At the end of 2016, I decided I would start to blog again.  For the last 14 days, I have been mulling over different names I could use for my blog as well as the overall idea or purpose of the blog. Ultimately, I decided I just needed to write, and the purpose of the blog is to help heal me.  

I don't know if anyone will read this or not.  To be honest there is a part of me that hopes no one will because it feels safer that way.   Regardless, I am facing my fear and writing my truth, my story to the best of my ability.

In the meantime, I am need to go fold some clothes and put them away.  At least I know for certain the dryer didn't 'eat' one of my socks again.  

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